DLP (Data Loss Prevention) as a Service "Protecting Your Data, Preserving Your Trust
DLP as a Service (Data Loss Prevention as a Service) is a managed security service that helps organizations protect sensitive data from being lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users. By leveraging cloud-based DLP tools and expert management, DLP as a Service enables businesses to safeguard their data across various channels—such as email, cloud storage, and endpoints—without the need for extensive in-house resources. DLP as a Service typically involves deploying DLP technologies in a cloud environment, allowing for the continuous monitoring, detection, and prevention of data breaches and leaks. It helps enforce data security policies, ensures compliance with regulations, and protects intellectual property and customer information.
DLP as a Service is a powerful solution for protecting sensitive data in today’s complex digital landscape. By providing comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective data loss prevention, it helps organizations maintain security, compliance, and peace of mind, all while reducing the internal burden of managing data protection strategies.
Carrier Neutral
Dedicated Customer Management
Tier III Data center Facility
International Clientele
Competitive Pricing
Mitigated Risk &
Built on Industry Standard
24x7 Support
N+1 Cloud infrastructure